XLPE Insulated Control Cable

XLPE Insulated Control Cable

  • nominal voltage:450/750V
  • Long-term working temperature:

Insulate material



  • Short-circuit carrying temperature:

Insulate material



  • Cable laying temperature: above 0℃.
  • The bending radius of the cable:
  1. The bending radius of the unarmored cable is no less than 6OD.
  2. The bending radius of the armored cable or copper strip shielded cable is no less than 12OD.
  3. The bending radius of the flexible(braiding) shielded cable is no less than 6OD.
  4. (OD: The outside diameter of the cable.)
  • Control cable for AC 50Hz.Rated voltage 450/750V and below the control, monitoring circuit and protection circuit, and other occasions. It can be used as a connection line between all kinds of electrical instruments and automation devices and plays the role of transmission of all kinds of electric energy, to make the whole electrical system safe and reliable operation.
  • The control cables have different structures such as flexible structure control cables, shielded control cables, armored control cables, etc., which are adapted to the laying requirements of different occasions.
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