0.6/1kV Flame-retardant Power Cable Class B1


0.6/1kV Flame-retardant Power Cable Class B1

The product is mainly suitable for distribution lines with a rated voltage of 0.6/1kV.

It can be widely used in places with dense populations and high requirements on cable flame retardant performance, such as subways, airports, hospitals, super high-rise buildings, large shopping malls, hotels, convention, exhibition centers, data centers, and transportation hubs, and other places.

  • nominal voltage: 0.6/1kV
  • Long-term working temperature:

Insulate material



  • Short-circuit carrying temperature:

Insulate material



  • Cable laying temperature: above 0℃.
  • operating ambient temperature: -15℃/90℃.
  • flame retardant property: The cable meets the requirements of flame retardant B1 level specified in GB/T 31247-2014
  1. The flame spread length does not exceed 1.5m;
  2. FIGRA≤150W/s;
  3. SPRmax≤25㎡/s;
  4. HRR≤30kW;
  5. TSP(1200)≤50㎡;
  6. THR(1200)≤15MJ.
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