Aluminum Alloy Power Cable

Aluminum Alloy Power Cable


The product is made of AA-8000 series aluminum alloy as a conductor.

Compared with ordinary aluminum conductor cable, the aluminum alloy cable produced by our company has good electrical conductivity, great creep resistance, excellent tensile strength, bending performance, and corrosion resistance.

The creep resistance of the product is basically the same as that of the copper conductor all the time, only 1/15 of that of pure aluminum.

The tensile strength of the cable is nearly 1.5 times that of the copper conductor cable, and it can support 4000 meters of dead weight.

  • nominal voltage: 0.6/1kV, 6/10kV, 8.7/15kV, 12/20kV, 21/35kV, 26/35kV
  • Long-term working temperature:

Insulate material



  • Short-circuit carrying temperature:

Insulate material



  • Cable laying temperature: above 0℃.
  • Operating ambient temperature: -15℃\90℃
  • The bending radius of the cable:
  1. The bending radius of the cable shall not be less than 7OD.
  2. (OD: The outside diameter of the cable.)
  • Flame-retardant performance complies with standard GB/T 18380.3.

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